
Expertise in Laser Technology

Monocrom Projects;

While production is the engine of Monocrom, R&D is the very core of the business. We posess broad scientific and technical expertise in laser physics, semiconductor, optical fiber technology and laser electronics. Our mission is the design and development of laser diode devices with high added value, innovative and competitive diode-based lasers and diode-pumped solid state lasers (DPSSL).

Our experience in the laser field has demonstrated the applicability of new concepts in laser physics, like our patented technology for non-soldered mounting of laser bars, Clamping™

Our solid state Q-Switched green laser, capable of providing microseconds laser pulses has been considered one of the most important developments in eye surgery from the last years.

Monocrom has a wide experience and good success rate participating in research projects both as partner and as leader. These projects are sponsored by the European Union and some Spanish organisms as well, often in cooperation with other academic research centres and institutions. Our latest challenge in the outer space has been the developpment of an ultra lightweight and resistant green laser for the ESA ExoMars space mission to MARS in 2020.

Ongoing projects

Project acronym: FOTUNECHIP3D
Duration: 24 months

Start date: 01/10/2023

Project full title: Integrated In-Chip and Tunable photonic emitters Utilizing novel 3D encapsulation processes

Reference: MIG-20231001

Role: Partner

This project is financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and “Funded by the CDTI”

Project acronym: ECOSWIR
Duration: 25 months

Start date: 01/09/2023

Project full title: Development of semiconductor´s value chain in Spain through research of components for a 3D system based on swir images

Reference: MIG-20231013

Role: Coordinator

This project is financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and “Funded by the CDTI”

Project acronym: MICROLENTES
Duration: 24 months

Start date: 01/05/2022

Project full title: Automation of the process of optics microassembly in diodes for high performance laser systems.

Reference: IC4-080050-2022-8

Role: unique applicant

Project acronym: COMSENSO
Duration: 28 months

Start date: 01/09/2021

Project full title: Additive manufacturing of sensorized multimaterial components using laser-assisted WAAM technology
Reference: MIP-20211010 (Misiones Ciencia e Innovación 2021)

Role: Partner

This project is financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and “Funded by the CDTI”


Project acronym: BriSCL
Duration: 30 months

Start date: 01/04/2020

Project full title: Brilliant Semiconductor Laser Modules
Reference Eureka: E!114753

Reference CDTI: CIIP-20211021
Role: Main partner


Finished projects

Project acronym: OPTILASER

Duration: 9 months

Start date: 26/07/2022

Project full title: New additive manufacturing laser-assisted system by photonic emitters´ coupling for the improvement of the cutting process efficiency.

Reference: AEI-010500-2022b-80

Role: Partner

Project acronym: ND

Program: Torres Quevedo

Duration: 36 months

Start date: 29/11/2019

Project full title: New generation of high-power semiconductor lasers by optimizing the mechanical clamping technique and the use of new materials
Reference: PTQ2018-009779 –  Next Gen Lasers

Project acronym: ND

Program: Torres Quevedo

Duration: 36 months

Start date: 29/11/2019

Project full title: New high-energy solid-state pulsed lasers with 912 nm emission and its harmonics

Reference: PTQ2018-009986 – Pulsed HPSSL @912nm

Project acronym: ND

Program: Industrial PhD

Duration: 48 months

Start date: 04/12/2018

Project full title: Development of a high brightness direct diode laser

Reference: DI-17-09260 – DDL


Project acronym: CaliBend

Project full title: Development and testing of a flexible, cost-effective laser-heating module for SME in the sector of sheet metal processing used for bending high-strength steel.
Reference: RDAL-17-1-0005
Role: Partner

Project acronym: HIP Lasers

Project full title: High Power Composites of Edge Emitting Semiconductor Lasers
Reference: E10524
Role: Main partner

Project acronym: SURCAR

Project full title: Technological developments for new automotive components with advanced functional finishes.
Reference: IDI-20160887
Role: Partner

Project acronym: EXOMARS Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS)

Project full title: Space Mission to Mars (ESA)
Role: Collaborator


Project acronym: SensoLas

Project full title: Improvement of the reliability of the laser hair removal process in the medical-aesthetic sector through the sensorization of laser heads manufactured in Spain.

Reference: AEI-010500-2017-262 (MINECO)
Role: Partner

Project acronym: SHREDDERSORT

Project full title: Selective Recovery of Non-Ferrous Metal Automotive Shredder by Combined Electromagnetic Tensor Spectroscopy and laser-induced Plasma Spectroscopy.

Reference: 603076 FP7-ENV-2013-
Role: Partner

Project acronym: Lashare

2013 – 2016

Project full title: Laser equipment assessment for high impact innovation in the manufacturing European industry.

Reference: FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF

Role: Partner

Project acronym: LaserPulse


Project full title: Research of pumping modules based on ultra-short and ultra-intense pulses laser diodes.

Sponsored by CDTI, Spain

Reference: IDC-20101143

Role: Individual

NExt generation
Institut Català d'Energia